Las mejores cosas de tu vida, no te las esperabas
-simplemente se desplegaron.
A medida que empiezas a reconocer y aceptar esto,
te relajas y ves que tu vida se despliega
dentro de una armonía mayor.
El libre albedrío, el destino, todas estas cosas
solo atañen a la expresión de tu cuerpo-mente,
no a tu Ser real, que está más allá de todo eso.
~ Mooji, del libro "Fuego Blanco"
Everything that happened, you never saw it coming.
The greatest things in your life, you did not expect
—they simply unfolded.
As you begin to recognise and accept this,
you relax and see that your life is unfolding
inside a greater harmony.
Free will, destiny, all of these things
are only pertaining to your body-mind expression,
not to your real Self, which is beyond all that.
~ Mooji
Fuente: Mooji en español.
Everything that happened, you never saw it coming.
The greatest things in your life, you did not expect
—they simply unfolded.
As you begin to recognise and accept this,
you relax and see that your life is unfolding
inside a greater harmony.
Free will, destiny, all of these things
are only pertaining to your body-mind expression,
not to your real Self, which is beyond all that.
~ Mooji
Fuente: Mooji en español.
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