es una lectura de tu verdadero Ser.
Deja que todo ocurra
pero ten claro y confirma internamente,
que estás observándolo todo desde un lugar muy estable
que él mismo no está ocurriendo.
Hay una quietud allí.
Hay un silencio intacto.
Debes reconocer esto.
Debes ser como la Estrella Polar en los cielos.
Tu corazón es la Estrella Polar, la Estrella del Norte.
Todo está dando vueltas pero ella esta quieta, sin moverse.
Tú eres la quietud,
el silencio dentro del cual todo se está moviendo.
Solo tienes que reconocerlo y amarlo,
y nada te dará problemas.
Todo es el fluir del tiempo.
Todo está yendo y viniendo,
incluyendo este cuerpo.
Es como una vela que se quema.
Pero hay una llama invisible dentro
que nunca se apaga.
Fija tu atención dentro de lo que es sin forma
y deja el resto a Dios.
~ Mooji
Don’t take the behaviour of the mind and body
to be a reading of your true Self.
Let everything happen,
but know and confirm inwardly,
you are watching everything from a very stable place
which, itself, is not happening.
There is a stillness there.
There is an untouched silence.
You must acknowledge this.
You must be like the Polar Star in the heavens.
Your heart is the Polar Star, the North Star.
Everything is revolving but it is still—unmoving.
You are the stillness,
the silence inside which all is moving.
You only have to recognise and love that,
and nothing will trouble you.
Everything is the flow of time.
Everything is coming and going,
including even this body.
It is like a burning candle.
But there is an invisible flame inside
that never goes out.
Fix your attention inside the formless
and leave the rest to God.
~ Mooji
Fuente: Mooji en español
Don’t take the behaviour of the mind and body
to be a reading of your true Self.
Let everything happen,
but know and confirm inwardly,
you are watching everything from a very stable place
which, itself, is not happening.
There is a stillness there.
There is an untouched silence.
You must acknowledge this.
You must be like the Polar Star in the heavens.
Your heart is the Polar Star, the North Star.
Everything is revolving but it is still—unmoving.
You are the stillness,
the silence inside which all is moving.
You only have to recognise and love that,
and nothing will trouble you.
Everything is the flow of time.
Everything is coming and going,
including even this body.
It is like a burning candle.
But there is an invisible flame inside
that never goes out.
Fix your attention inside the formless
and leave the rest to God.
~ Mooji
Fuente: Mooji en español
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